Three Mothers’ Faithfulness

As a global worker shared testimonies at a service in Central Asia, a larger work slowly unfolded. The first testimony concerned Ayshe, whose husband had abandoned her after she accepted Jesus. When she discovered she was pregnant, she planned an abortion. Jesus intervened the night before her appointment, telling her she would have a son who would serve Him. The worker then shared about his own grandmother, Martha, and her pregnancy and planned abortion. Martha received a similar vision from Jesus: her unborn son was destined to preach. After the worker shared these stories, his translator, Anya, cried and revealed that she was also pregnant, abandoned, and planning an abortion. Through the testimonies, she sensed God had a plan for her and her unborn child. Despite facing frightening circumstances, these three mothers, all from different countries and backgrounds, employed great faith and gave their children’s futures to the Lord.

  • Pray with us for Ayshe, Martha, and Anya. Pray for their continued strength, resilience, and support as they navigate life’s challenges.
  • Pray for women around the world in similar situations, that they feel the Lord’s presence and guidance.

God shows up in powerful ways, as He did with each mother who needed His guidance through extremely difficult situations. He also ministers through global workers who boldly bring the gospel around the world. Pray today that He calls and equips more workers to reach Eurasia’s unreached.


Divine Encounter

Pray with us over a recent encounter. As a group of Christians walked to the subway, a family stopped them for directions. Among the family was a young Persian woman. She began talking to the group, and they exchanged numbers and gave her a booklet about Jesus. Later, she contacted them and asked for more, so they gave her the Gospel of John in Farsi. As they talked with her about Jesus, she told them that when she was eight, she saw him in a dream. It became clear that Jesus was waiting for her. As she read the Gospel of John, she excitedly decided to accept Jesus as her Savior. After this family prayed with her, she said, “I don’t know what happened, but as we prayed, I felt something, something so beautiful, come over me and flow through me!” 

  • Pray that this young woman continues pursuing Jesus.
  • Pray for the same gospel transformation for others in Eurasia.
Missionary Birthdays
Thank you for your prayers and support as you intercede for missionaries worldwide. Each month we update our missionary birthdays, giving you the opportunity to pray for them during thier birthday month.
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