Farming God’s Way

Pray with us about a new farming ministry. Global workers Jared and Alex serve in Africa. Many people in their area have left villages and moved to the city, because there is no money in farming. This has led to split families, with husbands leaving for work and wives staying behind with their children. Jared and Alex are using a program called “Farming God’s Way,” hoping to improve harvests with materials already present. They began a model garden and will have their first harvest in 2025 — consisting of “over 2,000 onion sets, 400 tomato plants, 300 cabbage plants, 100 okra plants, and countless lettuce plants.” They believe that this model of farming could “bring families back together, bring people back into work in a desperate agriculture sector of the country, and open countless doors to share the gospel.” Pray for this new ministry.

  • Pray that the 2025 harvest is plentiful.
  • Pray that through this garden, people see God’s faithfulness and are receptive to the gospel.

The Bible is clear: “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14) Pray that God calls more workers to bring the good news to Africa.


Afraid of the Risk

Pray today for Mohammed, a man in the Sahel region. Mohammed has been working with AGWM team members. He believes he is close to salvation, but he is afraid if he commits to Christianity, the cost with his family will be great. 

  • Pray for Mohammed and others like him in the Sahel region to have courage to embrace Christ as Savior.
  • Intercede for wisdom for the AGWM team and other Christian workers as they work with people like Mohammed.
  • Pray that Mohammed’s family and other families will turn to Jesus.
Missionary Birthdays
Thank you for your prayers and support as you intercede for missionaries worldwide. Each month we update our missionary birthdays, giving you the opportunity to pray for them during thier birthday month.
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