Experiencing the Spirit

Pray with us for the people of Durban, South Africa. Global worker Meredith Bagby serves with the Urban Tribes initiative, planting churches in the city of Durban. She recently led a young adult class focused on the Holy Spirit, where many people have been baptized in the Spirit or “experienced Him in a new way.” After one such experience, a young adult told Meredith, “Since Sunday evening, there’s been a shift in my life. The amount of peace I have now, despite everything around me — it’s just so unbelievable. I often stop during the day to see if I’m dreaming or if it really is reality.” Meredith and her church team are praying that the transformation in Durban’s people “will produce unstoppable witnesses for the gospel.” Join them in prayer today.

• Pray for each person impacted by the ministry in Durban.

• Pray the Holy Spirit continues to move in Africa’s urban ministries.


As this new year begins, the need for the gospel remains. Pray that 2025 brings more global workers to the unreached in Africa.


Planning for a New Church

The Farhoud family is preparing to return to Africa. They will serve in Lesotho, the only country in Africa entirely landlocked by another country. The Farhouds explain that “though the country is classified as ‘Christian,’ many people do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Many people still mix traditional beliefs of ancestral worship and witchcraft with their religious beliefs.” There are plans for a new tabernacle structure in Sekake Village beginning in 2025, and the work has already begun. The Farhoudssay, “Every Saturday they work to clear and level the land with hand picks, shovels, and buckets. We are praising God that another church will be built.” Pray for this new tabernacle and the people it will serve.

• Pray for the Farhoud family as they prepare to serve in Lesotho.

• Pray for smooth construction and anointing over the new tabernacle in Sekake Village.

• Pray for the people of Lesotho who need to be transformed by Jesus.

Missionary Birthdays
Thank you for your prayers and support as you intercede for missionaries worldwide. Each month we update our missionary birthdays, giving you the opportunity to pray for them during thier birthday month.
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