Gilbert and Virginia Contreras serve in Peru. Recently, they have focused on “reaching the lost by training the found.” They report that they have “conducted training events for pastors, leaders, and teachers in multiple cities, from Tingo Maria & Cusco, Peru to Posadas, Argentina — men and women who are truly the backbone of the Church.” Laura, a woman from Lambayeque, Peru shared her testimony with the Contreras: “I thank God for the opportunity to have listened to these teachings from these two missionaries, and I thank God because through you He has spoken to us about the need that this region has. How good that people like you have come to talk to us to give us the message that we were needing. The Lord has had plans and has fulfilled them.” Join us in thanking God for this testimony and praying for what’s to come.
- Pray for the Contreras as they continue to serve among Latin America Caribbean’s lost people.
- Pray that Laura remains strong in her faith, and that others will hear the gospel as she has.